

대충 논문을 긁어서 도시해봤는데, Li-Po 배터리는 제품마다 OCV-SOC 곡선이 다르다..

다른 일반적인 Li-po 배터리의 방전곡선으로부터 LiPo Case.2 가 좀 더 일반적인 데이터라고 생각된다.

OCV-SOC Curves from Papers



개략적으로 Lipo 배터리의 방전 곡선은 다음과 같은 곡선을 그린다고 알려져 있다.

Discharge Curvo of Li-po Battery [7]
Discharge Curvo of Li-po Battery [8]


Li-Po 배터리 계측 값 [1][2]

어떤 배터리를 사용했는지는 불명

Thevenin 모델을 기반으로 SOC 0~100% 범위에서 실시간 추정을 한 논문

Fitting SOC OCV
Segment a b OCV_min OCV_max SOC_min SOC_max 0 3.300
1 26.55 88.6 3.3 3.452 -0.985 3.0506 3.05 3.452
2 125 431.1 3.452 3.508 0.4 7.4 7.40 3.508
3 149 516.1 3.508 3.595 6.592 19.555 19.55 3.595
4 344 1225 3.595 3.676 11.68 39.544 39.54 3.676
5 229.5 800.9 3.676 3.739 42.742 57.2005 57.20 3.739
6 111.9 359.9 3.739 3.967 58.4941 84.0073 84.01 3.967
7 104.8 332 3.967 4.039 83.7416 91.2872 91.29 4.039
8 90.61 274.7 4.039 4.132 91.27379 99.70052 99.70 4.132



Li-Po 배터리의 OCV-SOC 곡선 Case.2[5]

2S 800mAh, 3S 1000mAh 배터리로 실험적으로 계측했다고 한다.

100 4.2
95 4.15
90 4.11
85 4.08
80 4.02
75 3.98
70 3.95
65 3.91
60 3.87
55 3.85
50 3.84
45 3.82
40 3.8
35 3.79
30 3.77
25 3.75
20 3.73
15 3.71
10 3.69
5 3.61
0 3.27


Li-Po 배터리의 OCV-SOC 곡선 Case.3 [6]

LiPo 배터리 BDE6S73104P, 5000mAh 를 사용해서 계측하고, Strict Lyapunov super-twisting observer로 SOC를 추정한 논문이다.

Li-Po Case3 SOC OCV
p q soc_min soc_max v_min v_max 0 3.34
3.26 3.34 0 5 3.34 3.503 5 3.503
2.72 3.37 5 10 3.506 3.642 10 3.642
2.06 3.44 10 15 3.646 3.749 15 3.749
1.72 3.49 15 20 3.748 3.834 20 3.834
1.28 3.57 20 25 3.826 3.89 25 3.89
1.17 3.65 25 30 3.9425 4.001 30 3.955
0.65 3.76 30 35 3.955 3.9875 35 4.0035
0.61 3.79 35 40 4.0035 4.034 40 4.034
0.42 3.85 40 50 4.018 4.06 50 4.06
0.19 3.97 50 60 4.065 4.084 60 4.084
0.24 3.94 60 70 4.084 4.108 70 4.108
0.28 3.92 70 80 4.116 4.144 80 4.144
0.32 3.88 80 90 4.136 4.168 90 4.168
0.31 3.89 90 100 4.169 4.2 100 4.2


Li-ion 배터리의 OCV-SOC 곡선 Case.1 [3]

배터리 : Samsung 30Q INR18650, 3000mAh

$V_{ocv}$ SOC $V_{ocv}$ SOC
4.1617 1 3.7317 0.5034
4.0913 0.9503 3.6892 0.4537
4.0749 0.9007 3.6396 0.404
4.0606 0.851 3.5677 0.3543
4.0153 0.8013 3.5208 0.3046
3.9592 0.7517 3.4712 0.255
3.9164 0.702 3.386 0.2053
3.8687 0.6524 3.288 0.1556
3.8163 0.6027 3.2037 0.1059
3.7735 0.553 3.0747 0.0563



Li-ion 배터리의 OCV-SOC 곡선 Case.2 [4]

Li-ion 배터리 1S 30Ah을 ITS5300 이라는 배터리 테스트 장비를 통해서 시험하고, 이를 2차 PNGV 모델로 근사 후 파티클 필터로 SOC를 추정하는 논문이다.

4.181 100
4.075 90
4.02 80
3.948 70
3.88 60
3.784 50
3.696 40
3.644 30
3.596 20
3.521 10
3.423 0





[1] Ines Baccouche, Sabeur Jemmali, Asma Mlayah, Bilal Manai and Najoua Essoukri Ben Amara, Implementation of an Improved Coulomb-Counting Algorithm Based on a Piecewise SOC-OCV Relationship for SOC Estimation of Li-Ion Battery, 2018, https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1803/1803.10654.pdf

[2] H. Rahimi-Eichi, F. Baronti and M.-Y. Chow, Modeling and Online Parameter Identification of Li-Polymer Battery Cells for SOC estimation, 2012, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6237284

[3] Fadlaoui Elmahdi, Lagrat Ismail, and Masaif Noureddine, Fitting the OCV-SOC relationship of a battery lithium-ion using genetic algorithm method, E3S Web of Conferences, ICIES 2020, https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/pdf/2021/10/e3sconf_icies2020_00097.pdf

[4] Yuanfei Geng, Hui Pang, Xiaofei Liu, State‑of‑charge estimation for lithium‑ion battery based on PNGV model and particle flter algorithm, Journal of Power Electronics, 2022, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s43236-022-00422-0

[5] Bogdan Cristian Florea and Dragos Daniel Taralunga, Blockchain IoT for Smart Electric Vehicles Battery Management, Sustainability, 2020, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/341375744_Blockchain_IoT_for_Smart_Electric_Vehicles_Battery_Management

[6] Sethia, Gautam & Majhi, Somanath & Nayak, Sisir & Mitra, Sagar. (2021). Strict Lyapunov super twisting observer design for state of charge prediction of lithium‐ion batteries. IET Renewable Power Generation. 15. 10.1049/rpg2.12039, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/348448327_Strict_Lyapunov_super_twisting_observer_design_for_state_of_charge_prediction_of_lithium-ion_batteries?_tp=eyJjb250ZXh0Ijp7ImZpcnN0UGFnZSI6Il9kaXJlY3QiLCJwYWdlIjoiX2RpcmVjdCJ9fQ

[7] https://learn.adafruit.com/li-ion-and-lipoly-batteries/voltages

[8] TYPICAL LITHIUM ION POLYMER TECHNICAL DATA, http://www.ibt-power.com/Battery_packs/Li_Polymer/Lithium_polymer_tech.html


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